Quantum Human Design

Human Design merges various disciplines, including Astrology, the Hindu Chakra system, the Chinese I’Ching, the Kabbalah, and quantum physics, to produce a visual representation of the energy flow within your body in the form of a Human Design Chart.

This chart describes your unique operating system: includes energy type, archetypal patterns, how they interact, challenges, sweet spots and how you contribute your talents to us.

Each archetypal pattern is influenced by planets (astrology) as well.

In a session, your chart is explained to you - the length of time you want this to be is up to you. We can cover a lot in 20 minutes, however if you want to go deeper into understanding and learning how to use your own personal inbuilt strategies and authorities we could talk for over 1-3 hours.

The chart has many layers - it's holographic. There is an art in bringing it all together to identify inbuilt conundrums (we all have them) where you are designed to grow.

How deep do you want to explore?

Do you want to just have taste test?

Do you have some specific pain points or recurring themes that you would like to clarify and then want to be free of? Then consider combining a reading with EFT or Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques).